Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mary's Summer Residence

Mmm, coffee

At the end of a beautiful night dining at Kamilla's sisters' home, we were all delighted to have the opportunity to sample Icelandic Coffee. Bo with a keen interest in food had acquired this recipe during a period of work in Iceland. What we were met with was espresso coffee topped with warm milk and cream. But the ultimate was the flaming Cointreau being poured into each glass like molten steel. The result was a very smooth, warming drink. Mmm...

Quirky Copenhagen

These images are a sample of some of the more unusual sights of Copenhagen. From a life-like head stone of a man's figure reclining on the side lawn of a church yard, to a stork topped fountain and sculptural tree growing out of a concrete block - situated near the Treasury Office.


Walking the dog

One of my fondest memories from Denmark was walking Minnie along the fjord near Kamilla's home. For Minnie it was a time to stretch her lanky legs, running along the edge of the fjord, turning and twisting as she navigated the hills. Other memories from this time are the miniature horses feeding in the fields, traditional houses situated along the narrow roads and the coolness of the breeze blowing off the fjord.